Cracking The Code of TikTok Analytics - An In-Depth Look (2023)

Let’s dive into what your TikTok Analytics are ACTUALLY saying about your videos? And how can you use this data to catapult your growth on TikTok organically?

How do I get into my analytics once I’m on TikTok?

1. What you wanna do is first go to your profile page and press on this hamburger menu (three horizontal lines on the top right-hand corner of the page).

2. Once you press on that, click on ‘tools.’ (For us, it’s the creator tools)

3. Press on analytics. You’ll, generally speaking, see a list of your profile views, your likes, your shares, your comments, all those kind of metrics that are happening within your videos.

What does each TikTok Metric mean?

Video Views: The amount of views you’ve had across all your videos over a set amount of time. 

Profile Views: The amount of people who have visited your profile.

Unique Viewers: This means people who only watched your video once, not somebody who came back and watched the video twice.

Shares: This means how many people have shared your content.

What is the number one TikTok Metric you should focus on?

The number one metric is called “watch rate”.

This metric actually ranks way higher than likes, shares, comments, and favourites.

This metric allows you to see how much of the video is watched. 

You can see how long people watched the video for and for some of them, you can actually see how many followers you’ve gained just from that video alone.

Using these metrics, you can scroll through all your videos and find the videos that have that retention rate, that have a high follow rate, that have a high watch rate and remake those videos.

How do you use watch-rate to create better-performing videos?

If you can hook people in really quickly and get them to keep watching your video, that video’s gonna not only gonna get you more views, it’s gonna get you more people who like to watch the content you produce. This, in turn, equals higher engagement, higher profile views, and more traffic and leads!

Now, a little hack to find your videos that actually perform is to look at your retention rate.

  • Scroll to the three-second mark of your retention rate. If that retention rate at three seconds is 70% or more, you know that you have a fantastic hook for that video.
  • And when you have a fantastic hook for a video, you always have an increased watch rate because people will like what you’re saying within the first three seconds, which will entice them to watch more of your video.

What is the second most important TikTok Metric you should focus on?

Let’s talk more about the actual “profile views”.

Many of our clients have the goal of selling an online service or product or bringing brand awareness.

So, what is essential for them to reach their goals?…

A link in their bio! (if you are at 1,000 followers)

Essentially, our idea is to have really good videos that make people interested in you and your brand.

If they’re interested, they’ll want to visit your profile. 

Once they’re on our profile, they’ll want more information, so they’ll press on the link in your bio, which will take them to your sales funnel, a landing page of some sort, even just a website, or just something where the actual service or the next step is offered.

Now, this is why profile views are so important. 

Because if we can have a lot of profile views for our clients, that means that there are a lot of people coming to that page, which increases the chance of someone pressing on that link, which essentially translates to higher traffic, going to whatever they’re trying to sell, or what they’re trying to drive people towards.

If you want more insights into what metrics are essential on your TikTok page, make sure to watch our full training right below!